Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Young Women Often Trendsetters in Vocal Patterns -

I really like this trend article because of the topic originality.   The writer, Douglas Quenqua,  has a unique take on this topic because he's writing about the misconception of a valley girl based on the way women talk.  

As a female, I admit to using the "girls aren't that bright" theory to my advantage.  For example, if I am on a date with a guy, I will stand outside the car door and act confused until he opens it for me.  Then if he asks what I am doing I just say, "I wasn't sure what to do, I mean, most guys open doors for me."   My two favorite phrases to use when I don't want to do something are: "I'm confused" and "I'm scared."  Either way, the end result is usually the same, I appear to be the damsel in distress and the guy feels like a hero.  Now, some guys may think that's scandalous, some may think its too needy, heck some might even think its cute, but I like to think of it as our (women) dirty little secret.  

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